I fixed my mpeg problem, I used a tool that came with my k-lite codec pack, and it pointed out a few messed up codecs. I had to "hack" the registry to get rid of them. Then I uninstalled my codec pack, restarted, installed my codec pack again and it worked.
I did try this thing from analog x but it didn't look like it did anything. So I don't know if it helped or not, but now it's working right again.
The rest of the day I played with paint shop pro and played games. I didn't really have anyone to help even thought it was kind full for the first part of my shift.
Well here are the things I came up with PSP.

This is the first one that I uploaded to test out to see if I was still logged it. I made this years ago. I found part, and made them into full wallpapers. I got it from FredArt. It's pending permission so it may disapear if I don't get it this week or so.

This one is one that I made today. I was working out a background for the baby thing that the student is suppose to doing. I was trying to make one for when she comes to me and looks like she hasn't a clue. Instead I made this with a pic of a friend that I've been holding on too. Isn't he cute. He hasn't talked to me in years.

Beleive it or not, I got this from Ulead's site. I went there to help fix my codec problem since one of the broken codecs came from them, but I found out that they now have monthly wallpapers, with the current month stamped on each one. I cleaned up this one so it doesn't have anything on it.

Then here is my desktop. It was so pretty today. I had to take a picture. *grin*
I got the nice bus home, and I hunted for dinner, so it has mostly been parts. It didn't help that I decided not to eat today at work. I'm going to eat tomorrow so I don't starve and eat everything I can get my hands on when I get home. Granted I pass right over the chocolate things. I don't like chocolate. So I'm not such a gobbler. *big grin*
Well I have go now. To tell the truth I've saved this like 4 times already and went to help my sister with stuff. She's calling me again, but I can't post this yet. I have spelling errors to fix.
Be right back.
Back, and spell checked. See ya.
Time is now 2:09am
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