July 23, 2005

I'm talking today.


A few things are looking up. I got my network back. Can't share the internet like on the router, but at least I can look at the movie files from the desktop now. It was driving me mad that it wasn't going as easyly as I thought it should have. After having both computers join and rejoin the a workgroup at least 5 times, I decided to check the IP and Gateway addresses that I gave it. Turns out my sub mask was wrong.

I uninstalled a corrupted MSVM install. But I was told that what I was doing was suppose to get rid of MSVM (Microsoft Virtual Machine), but when I went to MS update, it said that I didn't need any updates. Ok.

I brought the router in today. Rick might show up, and if he does he'll have a look at it for me. I was suppose to bring it by yesterday for him to look at it, but I didn't remember until I sat down in the bus to come to work. Great. So now it's here. I hope he can fix it, but on some level I don't really expect it.

I came in to work on time today. M called the house this morning to say that she wasn't feeling well and wanted to go home at 2, so she just called to see if I was going to be extra late or something.

My outfit for the day is very casual. Casual to the point that they might have asked if I broke my iron. But I think most of the wrinkles have fallen out now. My jean skirt was washed and picked up, I just forgot to take it off my bed before going sleep. :) Two older guys talked to me on the bus. I wasn't taking them on, but they put and interesting start to my work day.

I checked the weather before I jumped in the shower, and it said 88 degrees but feels like 104 degrees. Now it's up to 90. Today is a good day to be here at work. I just hope the temperature doesn’t decide to do a nose dive. My shirt is off my shoulders today. At least one of them.

I've made two more Calvin wallpaper and placed them in a photo blog. It's more of a gallery, but it's glitchy. I sent an e-mail to the host site to let them know, but who knows how far down the line mine is. So here is a better link to the gallery. I wanted to post that instead like I did with the second gallery on the right, but I wanted the pictures to show when you came to the site. The odd bit is that I can't get a flip book for the gallery that who's gallery page works fine, but I get a flipbook for the gallery that has issues. My luck.

Last night I enjoyed SG1 more than Atlantis, and I missed almost all of Battle Star Galactica. During Galactica I was messing with the network. I shouldn't have bothered. I didn't get it sorted out until this morning, but would have I have fixed it if I didn't mess around as much as I did the night before? I missed Firefly all the same. It comes on at 7 when I'm still at work. They are re-showing the first one next week along with the next new ep. I told Jhodie that she is taping it for me. (She didn't by the way)** voice frm the future**

I think I'm starting to get cold. I won't let that happen tonight. There aren't that many people, I'll turn down before I get too cold.

I might work on another Calvin wallpaper, or and I might bite the bullet and take a class.

See ya.

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