The only big thing with me was the watching of the new StarGates last night.
I was in such shock of what they got up to, that I had to watch it twice.
My sister didn't have such a nice night. She got to see almost none of it because Peter came by and they got into a fight over Nika, then she felt bad afterwards and went to bed early.
Today, I stayed home before work while Jhodie and Nika went out with grandma cookie. I over slept. They woke me up too early, but the phone woke me up after I should have been up. I Kinda wished that someone was on the other end, since I could have hurt myself for how fast I tried to get to it before it stopped ringing.
Then just as I'm ready to go for my shower at 1pm they came home. She got potting soil, and a few other things.
I got to work ok. About 17 past. I saw AM, and gave her the money I owed her, so we are now square. Then we hung out and tracked down this hotel.

and a room.

I came across those when I was looking for wallpaper on this Russian site, and we weren't sure if the place was real or not. So we hunted it down. We spent like 20 mins at least looking for the place.
We finally found it.
It's called the Burj Al Arab Hotel
Here is another link for it. I went looking for more and bigger pictures. This has more pictures.
They have a few more pictures on that page. I wish that they were a bit bigger. Man is that place expensive! Maybe after you read all that you get for that price, you might think it's worth it.
Now I feel like making another Calvin wallpaper, I'm just having a time finding the back for this one. I just started looking so mind hasn't started to crack yet.

Right now I just sent that permission question off to the guy to see if I can really post the wallpapers that I made out of his artwork. I also asked him how come he hasn't made any in wallpaper size. It's not like all of them have blank backgrounds, but he just stops outside of the subjects. Oh well.
Guess I'm off to look for the background for Calvin. I could just go look for dinner instead. I ate around 11am today, and it's now a good 7 hours later. What would I get? Yesterday I sprung for lunch and it was quite filling. A grilled chicken burger and fries. Now I'm starting to feel hungry.
Ok... food then Calvin.

After I spell check.

I hope to have yes or no to my permission thing by Monday.
Oh.. that thing with the tatu songs, was abit delayed due to megaupload. Looks like rapidshare is going to get the job. I'm going to try tonight and or tomorrow morning to start uploading them to rapidshare. I've already divided them up. The set is in 3 zip files. The first two are just over 400megs, and the last one is like 260megs or so. I'll upload one and see how they like me.

ok.. spell checking will have to wait until I get back from up stairs. A teacher just called for help. :) So I'll get din din while I'm up there. :)
The time is currently 6:26pm Saturday afternoon.

Ok.. Back... Helped a teacher install a program. He didn't have rights to do that, then I realized that his computer needed to be defragged badly. By the time I headed up the last set of steps to the cafeteria it was 10 til 7 and they were gone. Lucky me, some students were on their way up there and I broke the bad news to them, but I was able to have them bring be back something from town. They are off to subway.

I'm getting a wrap, with no hot peppers and such. I'm not a heat girl, and that is what I said when he asked about the peppers. So in about 30 or so mins I'll be having lunch/dinner.
Off to spell check.
The time is now 7:16pm.
*Jeffery Steele – There Must Be Something In The Water.
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