I was up late last night as you know.
So I stayed in bed for as long as I could since I didn't have to be in to work until 2.
Well my sister got an all day job today. From 9am until 3pm. She woke me up to let me know that she was leaving, and that part of my bus money was on the computer desk, and to go pay cable and to hang out the clothes.
Since she woke me up I had to use the bathroom. Anyway, I'm thinking about having to go town, and thinking that she didn't tell me where the card was. Great. She left with the card. Came out, and looked where my money was, but no card. Great, I get to stay home. I crawled back into bed.
For the next hour and 15 mins I tossed and tuned until I fell into something of a dream for the last 45 mins that I had in bed. I was almost happy to wake from what I was dreaming. A very mad world.
First order was to hang out the clothes. I did that in my red shirt, and just my red shirt. Then I came in, heated up some of last night's dinner and watched some tv as I ate. Then I made myself remember that I had to send out a birthday card today. It was the last day of March and my friend had her birthday this month. Don't know what day it was, but I knew it was this month. I went to this place and sent her a card from there. It's very cool. Found it a few years ago.
Then I had a quick shower, got dressed and headed out the door after 2pm as always. I ended up getting to work at 20 past. Not bad, but not as good as yesterdays 10 past.
Ron wasn't here when I got in. Mess in admin that I saw yesterday was gone. I got the key from admin also so I can put in the code for software for hills. I tested the rooms to see if they could get to some school stuff for the students.
At 3 I started to cover the front desk. Then I was called upstairs by a teacher that was trying to install a printer. Install a printer?? Ok. I asked for 10 mins since I was trying to fix something else at the time.
I then went up there to see he had borrowed a student's photo printer. The student told me. I had to log in as me to install it. He didn't have those rights to the computer. We tested it out twice, and I updated his version of Irfanview. The girl that was lending him her printer was impressed by it once I used it to lighten a picture. So I mailed it off to her.
Then I came down to a staff member needed me to help her with fixing a few things. She wanted her PowerPoint to look a bit flashier than it currently was.

One thing led to another, and I re-did her first and last slide, and animated bit of the in between ones, and got her thinking of getting a thumb drive. She was still saving everything on floppy. "AAHH!"
So she is going states side, and said that she will get one. I was aiming for a 256 one, she went right to the 1 giger. She says that she has a lot of stuff. Oh well. It's only $100 maybe.
When she left I started on the videos that I got yesterday. I told the teacher that he could get them back tomorrow. I'm finishing up the last one now. I was have finished way sooner if I knew that both were shorter than one hour. I just let computer keep recording for like 2 hours each time.
Now its 9:25 and I haven't had anything to eat since noon, and I was colder earlier, but I think that I'm kinda warming up a bit, but then I was just moving around.
Some guy talked to me today on my yahoo id that I had opened as I messed with my hidden page here at work. He lied about a few things on his profile, which made me think what was still on mine. So I updated it a little bit. My pic is staying. It's the same that I have here. It's the only good pic of me I have.