Got my sister to plat my hair, then I had breakfast. A bowl of cereal, then my bath. Had my music with me. We need a shelf in the bathroom so I can leave it in there, or at least have somewhere decent to place it. Right now it sits the toilet facing the shower so I can get all the music :).
I wore back the same outfit again today fishing for complements. Only one other person said anything this time.
I was suppose to bring four things with me to work. Two I had already packed and had there waiting for me. The Meso soups for AM, and a noddle pack for me. A cd of office 97 for Sandy, and some snacks. I forgot the snacks and the cd.
It's 9:30pm now, I'm pretty sure that he isn't coming again.
I got a few little things from Ron to get done today. One was a power point that wouldn't open in power point viewer, but other wise works fine. So I rebuilt most of it when I saw that he had imported slides from other power points and his formating exceeded the slide's area on a few of them. Now it works fine.
Then I had some files to turn into acrobat files that could be filled out on line. Also, I'm looking for a reg file that has the fix for the the thumbnail viewing error. I still haven't found it. I'm hoping it's at home so I can e-mail it to Ron.
Right now I'm cold, hungry, and blogging. I tried to work on a set of pages for a new part of the site, but it's odd working on the files from here since I started it on the other computer. I also have a tape for St. J, but I forgot about it, I'll work on it tomorrow.
At least I was able to find and give myself access to the walrus files so I can fix things. So after I digitize St. J's tape, I can add it to the walrus files.
Other bits I got from my day at work.
1. FireFox is updated.
2. The missing computer in the back is said to have had a bad hard drive so that is why it's been missing for 2 weeks.
3. I don't like wireless. I'll use it when and only when I have to.
4. I really look bad on film. I look fine in person, tape =

See ya.
I'm off to eat meatloaf and some cabbage with pasta and sauce.

I'll spell check and such when I get home. sorry.
Ok.. all clean now. :) and full. :) "yum"
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