March 20, 2005

Part Two of the Pearl Saga.

My sister left the house twice before I woke up.

I came out to see Nika on line playing Disney games.

She then bragged how she got my cereal to eat and ice cream this morning. :)

I heard drums outside, so I took Nika out to watch church people walk across the top of our streets with palm leaves. I held her and she leaned over, I saw a little of it, but I came out so that she could see it.

When we came back inside I asked her if she wanted any drink or water. She said no and went back to playing. She knew that if she wanted anything she could come and get me. But she just sat there learning how to spell and count and weight things. :)

I took my breakfast back to the bedroom.

Not too much longer I looked up to see that Nika let Jhodie in.

I came out to tell Jhodie about the small parade. She then said how Pearl had called Sill telling him that she had talked to us and that she had worked things out, and that all she had to do was pay us what money she owned us for rent. She then told him not to tell us. He didn't believe her and called to tell us. Jhodie thinks that she was trying to cover something. Like she knew we kicked her out and that she was telling him that, then come and say later that we changed our minds or something and would ask to stay with him for all we knew. As far as I knew, he didn't live by himself.

Then on that, the guy that she went to see called Sill to ask him what kind of stress we were putting on Pearl. Stress?? Pearl? US?!?

Let’s see, until January, she was living here rent free. She was given one thing to do, and that was clean the bathroom once a week. She didn't give us money for anything. She's had us owning people because she couldn’t. I’m sure you remember that rant. She's lied to all us, and we made her spend time with her son. What stress?

Then we started bagging her stuff. I helped to move the barrel out on the porch with her stuff on in it, then I headed for my shower. Jhodie moved the rest of her stuff. When ever she gets back to the house, her stuff will be waiting for her outside.

I went to work eating my breakfast which was nothing more than snack food that I grabbed on my way out the door. I still have it here, but in and hour I eat lunch. It's the same as yesterday. My sister said that she somehow forgot that we had bake left. She made a lot.

Today I haven't done much work. I've looked for a hack/key for an old version of diskeeper for this computer. I’ve downloaded and looked at a game at I got a notice about in my mail. I've fixed the thumbnail thing on that computer in the back. I tried to help AM with her little project. She was trying to print something out in grey scale, but first she had to change all the dark coloured words to white so they could be seen.

This is my third blog for the day, :) and I restacked the printer. I think that I may try out the game before I got eat, the come back and work on the links for the new computer page. I have to run it by Ron when I'm done. I'm redoing it because he wants it posted on the LRC/IT department page like all the other Universities. I just feel that my computer tips aren't up to pair with theirs.

Well I'm off. See ya.

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