The nurse that I was suppose to go see today, wasn't at home when I called, so I went to the other one at the district clinic. I've been due for my birth control shot. I haven't seen my appointment book for days. And since my last appointment was in November, I knew that I had already missed my date, but I didn't know by how much.
I searched everywhere it was suppose to find, but I didn't. After calling the nurses house one more time and making sure it was the right number, I got my keys and went down the hill to the clinic.
I had to do a pap smear, and I wasn't looking forward to it. I hate doing it. It just hurts, and it still hurts like 7 hours later. :( Since I was coming in for birth control, they would normally think that I'm having sex. Two visits ago I told her that I was taking it for all the side effects, and not getting pregnant was a nice bonus for when, a guy, once in a blue moon, that I liked, liked be back enough and was drunk enough to have a one night stand, at least, with me.
One of the side effect that didn't seem to kick in until last year or so was the gaining weight part. Before, I stayed at the same weight for the first 2 plus years.
The good news is that my blood pressure is down. It was up for a few months, but I started to go down a while a go, but was up 3 months ago, now it's down again. That's good. Oh, the other good thing. They were a bit impressed by how easily I got off the table. I've always been more flexible then people think I am.
On to the rest of my day. Oh.. before I left, I got my shot, took it in the arm, and once again she mentioned how "cool" I took it. Grown women have gone into fits of crying over seeing a needle. Don't know why. Well I know why, but it has to be done. It's the stinging pain afterwards from the medicine that hurts the most. The only needle shot that I never liked, was the one I got in the 3rd grade, they passed the needle over the fire first.
If I told that to Brian, he would just take steps back. He already hates normal needles. A hot and blacken one may just make him faint.
Anyway. left there at 3:30, and thought about having to pay $2 for my bus ride to school tomorrow as I tried to walk up the hill as quickly as possible to raise my heart beat a bit. I think it worked, and it felt like I may have done it in recored time for me, even if someone else passed me on the way up. But then their body weight was way lower than mine.
Anyway, came back here to find Pearl gone, and I got to use to the computer for the 30 mins before I had to go back out again to get Nika. I don't know about Verey. She didn't tell me to pick him up and she saw me leave like an hour and a half before school let out for them.
Took a 30min break.

I missed seeing "House" while I was typing earlier. Now I'm between Law & Order:SVU and Charmed.
Back to this afternoon. (not much left to write)
I went and got Nika, we talked on the way back, and walked up and over the other hill that the 'Village' school sits on.
We got home and soon, Jhodie came home with like 20lbs of turkey parts I'm sure. Along with some roasted turkey that got sliced. That was a lot too. More then I expected. The girl that she cleaned for today, drove her around to help her shop. That was nice of her.
Today was her birthday, but I didn't get around to getting her the shoes she wanted. I think the phone is keeping her happy for a while.
Then Verey came back. Oh Verey. Sill, yes, Sill. He picked up Verey, and took him out until 6. He came back at 6. While he was gone I installed another game for Nika. They are all came from this place called "The Learning Company" but every time I install a game I get a folder with the name "Edmark.com". Yet when I go to there site the banner says "Riverdeep". A lot a names for one place. I guess that happens when companies eat other companies, that had already eaten companies. Here is the link . You should check it out if you have kids. The really young ones. :) Pre-school till Kindergarten. So far the one that is the best so far is the Symbol Sandbox one. If you live some where, where it doesn't have snow in the winter time, don't bother with the Calendar Clock game.
Over the next hour or so, Peter showed up, Jhodie went out with Nika to ride her bike and Peter went with them. Then Verey started to cry because he wanted to go. Then 10 mins later his grand father showed up to take him to his house, then Jhodie came back with Nika, and we enjoyed a Verey free house. Then little Ray shows up after my sister goes down for a nap because her head started to spin.
I was on line talking to a friend who doesn't have much lime left to be on line. It was after 11pm for him and he has work the next day. Ray wants to use the computer, to check his e-mail. Great. I have to watch him try and find each key then using one finger on one hand, hit each key as he finds it. I almost fell asleep waiting for him to get off. By the time he did, I thought my friend was already gone, so I let Nika pay the sand box game again. Then at 9 I sent her to bed, and I got back on line and he was there waiting for me.

We talked for the next 30 or so mins. Near the end, Verey came back. Since it was after his bed time, I got him undressed, and closed all the windows in the room. He will cry and not go to sleep if the windows are open. Gave him some water to drink and got him to wash his hands.
Then the blog started. :)
Hmmm. This blog took a while longer than I thought. It's now 11:45. I guess I started the blog before my uncle brought back Verey. It say here that I started or at least opened this page at 9:37. Hummm. I think it was because I was watching a movie at the time, so I would stop and watch the movie then come back type, turn to watch the movie again. Oh, it was Tarzan. Disney's version.

Ok.. spell check. Bye.
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