On Friday I was given the web project by Collin to do, and had to reorder a code to make it work. That's all I did on Friday. I don't know how I got away with it. Outside of talking with a teacher, that is what I did for my whole 8 hours at work. I made buttons, redesigned buttons and lay outs.
When he came over to see how I was doing, he was very pleased. Found out that we were working for a bid on being the company to give the gov site it's new site look and feel. I asked how much it was for, he said that I'll get some if we won or not. I closed up more or less on time, and headed home.
Oh, one more thing. The day before I talked with the Dr, that was hiring me for the hill's thing, and today I went to pick up the key so I work in that "office" over the weekend. I picked up the key around 3pm, and cleared up my record in admin. You know, where I live, my phone number at work and at home.
And I think that I set up a move to convert from it's 500mg file size to something smaller before I left.
I got up and wanted to leave home a hour before I did. I got in round 12:30. I was going to look at what I had to do fir hills. I just hoped that I could really do this. It sounded easy, what their goal was, but how they wanted me to achieve it, might be over my head, but I'm going to try. If I really do, I'm going to learn a lot. If I don't, at least I tried.
Got there, and it was nothing more than a two small rooms with a desk by the door with a computer on it. I expected to find the computer in sad shape, but it was a lot cleaner than I expected software wise. That might have been due to the fact that it didn't have internet access.
First I checked out what they already had. It was nothing more than excel files, and from what everyone was telling me, it just wasn't working. There was also the program that Collin had made for me like a semester ago. (a semester down here lasts 4 months) They said that it didn't do what they wanted, which I considered odd, since it made it from starch for them. This is where I think I may be able to do what they want.
After wasting time doing that I went to unpack and set up the box that I was there to set up. I found a lot of things in there. A cash box draw, a recite printer, a card swipe, and a bar code scanner, and the software that I thought was going to make all of this work together.
At 2 I called it quits and went to get a bagel and cream cheese before I went down to work. Don't remember much, expected to see Collin later that day, but he came in late. I showed him how far I got, and asked me to make the other pages. He showed up like 9:15 or so. So that was put off until tomorrow. Closed up 30 mins after he left, and I think I got a ride home from T. Ya, he showed back up again at work.
I wanted to go in before work to have some more time with the hill's set up, so I knew what on earth I had to do, but I didn't sleep well again, so I just went in for work.
Today I had to do the thing for Dr. Shocky. Ya, he came by Saturday, I forgot he was coming, he had gone to Disney world, and wanted me to get the movie off of the tapes and burn them to cd. I do a lot of favors for this guy, and today it was just really out there for me to see. But I did it. I couldn't use my computer inside since I set it up to the movie thing, and I have the plug-in that I needed for the site, and I couldn't find the site that he more or less wanted me to copy information from to fill the empty site.
So I made a powerpoint for Danny (doctor) and let him know that he would need to have a picture in a number of parts, if he wanted each part animated. The then dug up the psp template that I saved of the wallpaper that we used for the walrus computers, because 2 semesters after making and approving, and using it, Ron and Collin realized that I spelt a word wrong.
So I updated all the ones on the floor, and fixed the size for the ones in the rooms, and in a side note, made sure that all the computers were listed in my restart program, and my net send program.
I still haven't gotten around to finish installing the updated aim on the rest of the computers yet, but I'm starting to have a feeling that the MSN 7 will be out soon.

I may give this one to E.

The night ended out, I walked left the LRC without locking the door.

I left, mostly happy, then remembered that I had to come in tomorrow early to get the key back so that the other hill's people could have it to open up to sell food. Then it hit me. I set the alarm. I looked over into the library, but I didn't lock my door. Great, I'm a airhead. Walked back and closed up and left.
The guards seem to have an odd, outside meeting every Sunday night. I walked pass them to see what time tomorrow hills was going to open, and it was 11am. That means that I had to get the key here by 10:30. Great. No chance of sleeping in tomorrow.
I got up at 9am and I was out of the house by 9:30 I believe. I was a little groggy, until I got off the bus at work. But I'm not turning in the key just yet. Oh, since I was on my way in, I took my card thing that courts gave me when I made my first payment on the phone and cd/mp3 player. I figured that I should get it done with before they start saying that I'm not paying them.
Well I went to the hill's little office thing, and tried to scan stuff in, make inventory, tried to make the software that I was selling something, and so-forth. Part of that worked. So I took the book with me to read up on what I was doing wrong.
I went down to office to return the key at about 10:40. I spent an hour up there trying to understand stuff. Then I went to the accountants office and got the thing with court squared away. Starting next month, they get another $50 out of my hide.
I toyed with the idea or going to tell E that she had to be joking, when she asked me to have a look at a computer. Which I did Sunday night. She wanted to know if it could just run internet for this guys grand kids. HA!

The front of it was taped up. The back was rusted, the inside had dust, cobwebs, and I think crusted salt, and it didn't help that there was a part that was left to just be knocked around on the inside.
But I plugged it in anyway, and nothing. Not surprised. I placed it back behind the desk. The computer was dead. You would or most likey have to replace everything, and for the parts cost, you might as well get a new one. I just don't know how it got that bad unless they lived on the beach, and didn't use it that much or something.
But I didn't bother, and went home.
Now it's time to wait for Jhodie so we could go shopping.
Yes it's shopping day. I just had to wait for Jhodie to come home change and we were off.
I got home, got my mp3 player, and rocked out in the shower as I took my bath, and just was I coming out of the shower, Pearl come home. Damper, I couldn't play my music in the bed room, but I was glad I remembered to take my towel with me to the shower this time.
Then I went to my room, put on my bra, and waited for Jhodie. An hour later, I went and did the dishes because she was so late.
End of Monday Part I. I'm going to spell check and post. Tomorrow I'll finish up.
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