There done.
Yesterday I was running around and multi-tasking like mad, and today. Nothing.
I covered the front desk.
So, late in my day, I decided to uninstall office and upgrade to Office 2003, and continued my battle with net send.
I also uninstalled something things from the computer that it was telling hasn't been touched in months that E installed there. She was her annoying loud self as she asked me the other day why this game she played on line wasn't working anymore, and how tired she was playing this one game. Guess that means that she didn't play those other games that weren't installed by me.
Later in the day, Collin stuck around doing something, and ever so often called me in to help him with something. 2 hours later he handed it off to me. He confessed to not being a web page maker.

So he gave me specks and sent me this add on for Dreamweaver to help make really nice popup menus. Then Dreamweaver decided not to work. It was a long time in coming. It would take it's time to delete things, and other small things. So I uninstalled it and reinstalled it. In the process I lost all my other plug-ings. I have to go re-get them.
Then my night was over, and T walks in. So I got a ride home from him. I was once again a back seat driver. Mostly I was just telling him not to pass other people on curves and hills, and he told me that he wasn't going to pass anyone, he just didn't like being right behind another car.
Got home in one piece. Then I had to stay up with Jhodie to talk to Pearl.
As you know, since is taking her dear time moving out and it didn't look like she had started to save any money, we had started to ask her for rent. Well, earlier that afternoon when I was at work of course, Sill came by to give Jhodie, Pearls rent money. She asked Sill to pay her rent for her. SHE ASKED SILL TO PAY HER RENT FOR HER!

In a month, she gets paid almost as much I do, if not more, and she get's $150 from Verey's dad for Verey every 2 weeks. The only thing I've seen her buy or have new is some chicken 6 times that month, and an new outfit that Jhodie told me about. Oh, and the phone cards. Sill isn't staying there, why is he paying her rent?????!!!!
This was the main reason for the talk. My sister did most of the talking. Some how, she spent her money on an outfit that came up over $100, some shoes for all $100, Spent one of the payments of Verey's money on phone cards, as well as most of the second set of money. She paid his school of course, the $30 or so, and she has like $20 or so left. For some reason, her boss has yet to pay them for the last two weeks of February, and since doesn't have bills to pay, she hasn't really asked him why she has yet to get her check or whatever.
There is no way he could work like this. People must have already demanded their paychecks by now from him, or looked for a job that could pay them on time.
So after Jhodie's long talking it ended up that she was more or less going to keep Pearl's money from her, give her some spending money of course. $50 or so, and take out rent money, pay for Verey's school, and put the rest on the bank, in a new account that she will sign over to her at the end of 2 months, when come hell or high water, Pearl is moving out.
Then I went to bed.
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