My sister was going to paint her room today. (She didn’t get to do it last time) But my uncle came over and stopped her. He said that he was going to help her do it, and she asked for some of his paint that he left there. He didn't want to since it took about half a 5-gallon bucket to do my room, and they told us that all our rooms had the same area.

So that stopped her and she waited for him to come back later so they could start painting. He showed up as I came out of the shower. By the time I left about 10 past 2, yes late again, he was just laid the bush against the wall. I was going to ask AM if I saw her if she had any masks that I could borrow for Nika. She coughs over everything, and the paint fumes and such will he around for at least a day.
Got to work and worked.

I helped M with her scanning job, I started doing the rooms today. I changed up my plan. Then I got caught up in my fight with my net send programs. It can't send out any messages to any computers. I can send a message if I told it to also restart the computer, but not by itself. Great. I need that ability.

So for like 30mins or so I restarted my computer, restarted a floor computer, tried to send, didn’t happen. I tried to send a message to a computer that wasn't on our level, still nothing. Then I opened cmd, and did net send in DOS. Still nothing, so I sent an e-mail to our Network person and the guy who is responsible to for the wireless network. I just got and e-mail back from him being nice, saying thank you for pointing this out, he'll have a look at it tomorrow. Fine, I'll just have to use my wired computer in here to net send when I need to tell the students stuff.
I tackled an excel job that I was given at least a week and a half ago. I just remembered it yesterday after working on it the day I got it. It's not a carbon copy of what I was given, but I think it's still good. I e-mailed it off to Ron. I'll find out later if they want me to change it or what.
Then I talked to AM for a bit, we chatted, I told her about the Avatar, and stuff. I asked her about the mask, but it turns out that I was remembering it wrong. They didn't have that kind of masks. She then left when she started to complain that she was cold.

I was going to do a few more computers, and I may, and just leave them to finish up by themselves, and get restarted at 6am. I might get a few done that way. :) At least do another 12.
I tired e-mailing something to be blogged like the last one I tested, but it' coming from Hotmail this time. So far, over an hour, and it's not here yet.
Well I'm off.
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