Potato salad and corned beef... not bad, I haven't had potato salad in a while.
I had a nice wait for a bus to take me home. It's Sunday, so it's up to each bus driver if they want to work today or not. I'm happy that some deside to work so I can get to and from work. Lucky me I got a ride home from a student who lives down the road for me. Not that I knew that at the time she picked up.
While I was out there standing for almost 30 mins, I looked up at the starts, hoping I won't feel like I was going to fall. Nomally I just look over the barn and across the channel and look at the lights over on Nevis, but I felt like looking up, since the moon already caught my attenion.
It was full a few days ago, and lit up the whole country side, but it still had a nice glow to it and it was kinda yellow. I think it rose like an hour before. Anyway, I was looking at the stars, and I remembered a Star Trek clip. Yes I like Star Trek. I'm still waiting for them to do the proper ending for DS9. I'm just starting to think that there isn't going to be one. Anyway, it was from one of the genaraion's movies... they were on a planet and found out that the "native" people weren't from that planet, and something on the planet was keeping them from aging.
That was just my way of thinking that the're could be others living out there. Yes I have a very fragmented mind. :)
Oh, before I leave, a little self promotion... I have a wallpaper club that I just updated. Actully every start of the month I update it. Wish I had a bit more space over there, but for now it's the best I can do. So if you ever need some new or intresting wallpaper, you can stop by Wallpaper for Everyone and pick up something.
Good Night.

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