October 31, 2004

On Saturday

I woke up from barely sleeping. I couldn't even eat all of my breakfast. I still felt like I was going to be punished, even though the talk was over with, and he said that we could move on. But hearing him say that he was going to think about this over the weekend makes me think that he will change his mind and still fire me on Wednesday when I came back to work.

I didn't have much to do at work, and my sister made sure that I got to work early. I filled out the bi-weekly report that I was working on turning in since the 13, I just missed the end of the two weeks. I finished it up and e-mailed it to him. When I was filling out the first week from the notes I had, I was starting to feel good about myself. I had done a lot that week. Then near the end of the last week when things started to go wrong, all the pain and worry came back, and I ask myself why didn't I know? Why didn't it hit me that I was doing this? I've come up with a lot of answers, but non that would make my boss less angry with me.

AM showed up to see how I was doing and talked a little bit. She was only here for 10 mins maybe. She had to do something but we were meeting at 7 for popcorn. It was her way of trying to cheer me up , or to help me breath again. Well I finished up the report and sent it in with a note saying that I hadn't realized that two weeks had gone by already.

Then M the girl at the front desk asked to leave early to take her kid to a friend's birthday party. I said that it was ok, I didn't want to look all depressed around her anyway. Then I worked on organizing some information that I got about our teachers and what classes they taught. I then placed some of them in the data base that I was making for teaching faculty, and made some new profile pages for those that didn't have one yet.

I had sent a letter to R, My boss, Friday saying that I think I was finished with the IT department site, but I needed to have it looked over and asked for what was needed to be added or changed. I kept checking my mail, but I haven't gotten and answer back from him yet. It's not that out of character for me to not get an answer over the weekend, but I think that he's either getting information to send to me, putting it off since it's the weekend, or putting me off altogether because of what I did, and he'll deal with it on Monday, if not later that week.

Just before I went to the front desk to cover it and do some work on the data base, I remembered the tape for Dr. M, and went to get a VCR from one of the rooms. I hadn't gotten one back yet. I was going to sit there and cut it as it was being feed into the computer, but I was called away by students, so I just left it to be record as a whole and I would cut it up later.

I had to turn on the display to see where on the film that the Dr wanted me to cut and paste, and it wasn't showing me on the VCR itself. I hope she doesn't mind. If she does, I'll just have to re-do it again. I finished it up and thought that I did a good job considering the times she gave me and the times I got were abit off. I then went back the front desk while it was stitching together the pieces that I gave it.

AM showed up when I was looking though my desk for an old teacher listing to see if it had the information on it that I wanted that was now missing from the new listing. I didn't find it, then we went to pop the pop corn. While we were out there we heard fire works. I don't know who was celebrating what. I thought that it might be the Labour party. They won the election earlier that week.

We sat outside and ate the popcorn and just talked about anything but work and vets and computers. We talked about Asian movies mostly. I helped her with a title of a movie, and I told her that I was going to show her the trailer for this other movie that she hadn't heard of.

We were gone for almost and hour, short 15 mins, it didn't seem that long to me, but then she got me to stop worrying for a bit. I found her some trailers to watch, and I even got to see the new Blade 3 movie trailer. I had to tell her to be quite when she had the head phones on, she was being a bit loud. Then we did a little wallpaper hunting, and she helped me match a few teachers to the classes they taught.

Then about an hour before closing she left, and I got back to the data base. I checked my mail again. Still nothing. Closed up when it came time, and put the VCR back in room 2 before I left.

I was feeling a little bit better, by the time I got home. I was even ready to go to sleep at midnight, but then Nika started to have ear pains again. Early this year, Nika was in the hospital and they said that she had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, and it seems that she may also have chronic ear infections also. Her ear hurt, as well as some of her joints. We weren't ready to have her in the hospital again, but soon the crying had my sister taking her to the Emergency Room. I called a head to see how many people where there so we would at least know how long the wait was going to be. They take forever to get to people waiting in the ER.

The nurse said that there were a good amount of people there, I asked again how many were there, she said that she wouldn't know how many people would be when I got there. I told her that I just lived down the street, and I just wanted to know how many people where there? I just got a good amount. So I said thank you and hung up. My sister didn't like the answer either, since a good amount to one person could be 4 or 10 to someone else. Anyway, she carried Nika all the way up the hospital and I told her when she was leaving that I was would stay up until 3 waiting for them. She called around 2 and asked for some information on some medicine that Nika had gotten and we still had the box for. Then she came home a little before 3. She told me that they were the only ones there when they got there around 1, but they remembered her and it seemed to her that they didn't bother with her for 30 mins.

Anyway, they didn't have anything to give her. The only kind of meds that they had to give her, she had a reaction to. So she got a script I think, and when she got home, Jhodie gave her maybe double the set about of her pain meds that she was giving her before. They told her what other meds for pain she could get for her, and I think that was about it. We were both tried and ended up going to bed at 3 am.

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