October 22, 2004

Just Went To Bed.


I just ate some cereal and then went to bed. I didn't even really fool around on the computer.

Thursday 21st October

Well I was up and out of the house around 10:30 to go to town. The day before my cousin from Nevis (next island over) came over to give us a letter that we got from our uncle in the UK. I took it to work with me, but I got bogged down with something, anyway, I didn't open it.

When I got home that night I gave it to my sister before the whole door thing started. Turns out he sent us 100 pounds. I was glad he sent us some money, but why so much? The exchange rate (for that day anyway) was 4.50. So at the end of it all, he sent us over $400 EC. Most of it was in money order form with my name on it, so I had to cash it. Hence the walk about town.

Once we got there, we did a little shopping. All those nice things that we couldn't buy before we got, saving some to pay off our water bill. Oh!.. Speaking of bills. The gov actually gave everyone a $500 credit with the lights department (because of the power outages and such). So my bill for this month is gone. YES! And maybe my next bill too if not most of it. We had to put off paying a few bills when Nika and I had to go to the doctor. It came up to almost $100 each for the doctor visits and the meds.

Anyway. Shopping.

We got some soup bowls that my sister has been trying to get me get her. There was only 3 of the kind she wanted. We got Nika a rain coat, a yellow smiley face cup and three cheap matching bowls. I got a face scrub for $20, and some hair bobbles for Nika. She was low on bobbles. We got some paper for the new printer I just got the day before, and they had that desktop paper thing on sale so I got that too.

Then we went to Ram's (on the bay road) and looked in what we called the discount isle for anything we wanted. When we left, it came up to $99.90. You think you have money, and you buy a bunch of stuff at cheap prices, but in the end it adds up to more than you expect. The two paper things that I got from the computer place was $17, and $15, sounds nice.. but I just spent $32. I get so happy when I have money that I forget to count some times. :)

Work wasn't that bad. I got there on time. I don't know how that happened, and I ate lunch before I left the house, so I was set.

I'm trying to remember what I did at work. .. I remember what I did at the end of my shift. I worked on a web page for archiving the SGA meetings. I had so much files to turn into PDF's. It goes back like maybe 5 semester. We have 3 semesters a year, and each semester has like 9 -15 meetings. I'm going to finish it up tomorrow. I have the main page built. I put it in frames so they could scroll down the list of past meetings. I may have worked on that for the last 3 hours of my shift. Before that I can't tell you I what I did.

Oh well. It did rain my entire shift. So I didn't go out until it was time for me to leave. I'm starting to think that I spent most of yesterday on that web page. I had to make the pictures for it, convert all those files, the put most it together. I did pay a bit of e-mail tag, answered some phone calls, but I think that's it.

Ok. I'll take it. :) When it was time for me to leave I sat here and played the two songs that I have from Tatu while I rebooted the floor computers and I emptied the temp folders on this computer. Then 15 past 10 I left to try and catch a bus into town.

I was left standing there for almost 40 mins waiting for a bus to show up. I had brought my umbrella with me, which helped with the little rain that came down when I was walking my way up the road, and the wind that hit my back while I waited. It was a cold and wet night.

Tested out the printer in my sister's profile between bites of cereal. It works. :)

Ok, that was my day. Oh, I was upset that I miss CSI:NY. I keep thinking that I get to see it when I get home on Thursday nights. Guess I saw it when I was on vacation or something. I have to find out when it comes on. I'm starting to think that I'm trying to catch it on the wrong night.

Well see ya... tonight hopefully. :) I get off at 7pm tonight.

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