October 23, 2004

Surprise Meeting, with Kittens.

My day started with my sister coming into my room and asking me about the school and animals. I said something about taking them to P.A.W.S. for adoption. She then say ok, which in my head at that time saw her holding out two kittens to me. I snapped awake more in fear then horror. Then she said "Oh no, they aren't here, they are still outside in the street."

Ok, I'm awake. Looked at the clock. I should be up anyway. I had and hour to get ready for work. I ate some arrowroot biscuits while I got dressed. At one point I found myself waiting for my sister to get back from school. I didn't have the time to wait for her. I finished getting dressed, then left the house at 2 I think. It took about 5 mins for a bus to come by and pick me up, then there was another 5 of people getting off and on until I was my turn.

I walked down to the guard house, and I was about to ask if my sister had left yet, when the guard told me that my sister was there waiting for me. It seems that they couldn't find anyone from P.A.W.S. So I had to try and find them for her. Well, as I was about to walk into the admin building, Collin stopped me to let me know that the IT department was having a staff meeting at 11:30. Fine. Then he asked about the list he gave me yesterday. I was so busy with making that SGA archive thing that I forgot. But he went over the list and said that I was missing the Ohio link from our list on the website. Fine I'll fix it when I get down there. Then I told him about my sisters and the cats and trying to fine P.A.W.S. He went his way. I went on to admin. First I called the cell number next to the Paws in the club section of the school's phone book. No one picked up. So I called the clinic, and as I'm having the talk, with the girl there, I find out that they had gotten the cats from her, but that we shouldn't really bring in animals because it takes so much to take care of them, and not all of them will get adopted.

If this island had something like a pound, we wouldn't have to take them to the P.A.W.S. Club.

Anyway, left admin at about 25 past 11. The meeting was a little late in getting started, but mostly it was to say that very big people were coming down, dress right, make the place spotless, and make the place look way too small. Which we didn't have to try hard to do. We didn't have space. We have a few days. I have the weekend to clean up around me, but since I don't work Monday or Tuesday, most of the clean up will be done by the guys that work those days. The big wigs will be showing up on Wednesday.

After that I bounced mail around. I got a lot from admin warning us about the election that is going on down here. Monday is election day, and the day after is a holiday so that who ever wins gets party time. At least that is what I think. We were also told to avoid polling stations as well on Monday. I'm staying in my house the enter time unless I have the leave house to get some piece and quite.

They have once again set up party central outside my house. So currently I have music that I don't like or want to hear over powering my tv, not to mention my senses.

No, I'm not voting. Personally, I don't think that I will vote until the system has been cleaned up, and there is someone I feel strong enough to vote for.

Down here we have Labour, and P.A.M. My parents were P.A.M. people. You think that republicans and democrats are harsh to each other, you wouldn't want to see how P.A.M. and Labour fight down here. At least in the US, when they talk about someone doing this and that, and they slinging mud, they say the person's name. Down here, the whole party is held responsible.

Back to school. Well I had this e-mail thing going back and forth between a club pres. One she thought that we made and hosted club sites at the school. I told her that we didn't, and pointed her towards geocities. for free web space and hosting. Then she wrote back and said thanks, then asked about her group e-mail change. I told her that from what I could see it wasn't updated since I saw the name of a students who left a long time ago on there. So I had her send me the list so I could fix it now. Went into our server room and got the exchange server up and looked at the group members. I compared it to the list I got from her and found out that they had added the ones she said to add, and they removed the ones she said to remove, they just left the other people that were there, there. So I took them out and found out that they had gotten rid of one person by accident, and I put her back in.

After I got her squared away, I bumped into a problem with Dr M. She had sent an e-mail with a list of teacher's names to my boss asking who was in charge of the website. Most of the information was wrong. It didn't really hit me until she came down to give me some papers to scan for her, that, that wasn't my work. I then realized that it wasn't our site that she was talking about. It was the one based in NJ. We don't know why we have two websites for one school, but we do, and it's confusing visitors.

Before Dr. M showed up, I had already drafted a letter to the heads of the faculty departments asking them if they could please send me a current listing of teachers teaching in their department as well as the classes they teach. No one has yet to put most of this down for everyone else to get. Plus recently we had lost a few teachers, gained a few teachers, and some that were on vacation will be back in a few weeks or next semester.

Ok, that one done, and it's just 2pm. I went to find lunch, but lunch wasn't there to be found.


Ok, I started writing this almost 5 hours ago. The racket at the top of street stopped me and I waited this long hoping that it would be over by now, but it's still going, and it just sounds like some crazy guy with a mic now. Part 2/ The end, will be posted tomorrow when I can think. See ya.


Back, and I'm playing my own music now. Jefferson Starsip - We built this city. I love this song. Ok, back to finishing up yesterday.


Now where was I?.. Oh ya.. trying to get lunch. Walked out the door then came right back to get about 8 or so carousels to take them back up to DR. T, so we can get the space back. Well made it up there to find out that he wasn't in his office. So I left them in the building across from his office so I wouldn't have to walk up with them again. I told a someone in that building that I was leaving them there so that I would find them come Wednesday, or Dr. T would if he went to get them himself. I have to send him an e-mail.

Ok, on to lunch. Stopped half way up the steps. They're closed. SHOT! Great. Not happy. Ok, back down then.

At 3pm I took over the front desk. As usual she left without telling anyone, at least with out telling me. One of the first things I did was start up the torrent manager on the other front desk computer and restart the one that she was using.

I fooled around a bit, tried to find some pixel art that I had come across like 2 years ago. Almost found it. Will try again another day. Tried to find a crack for psp 9. Tried to find older versions to download. I kinda like the look of version 8 better. Most places said they had the older version, but when you click on he link, you sent to the new one. I have 9, I got 8, now I'm looking for version 7. I'm not sure why I want it either, I just do. For a bit I tried looking for resume software. I thought that I was getting for my sister since she had recently asked me to update her’s and to make it look a bit different. Then I thought that I could use it too. It's time I updated mine. No one says that you should Waite until you need a job to update it. Besides with my memory, I'll forget anything if I don't write it down.

I didn't get to play any games tonight. No big. I'm not paid to play. What else? Oh, I started the scans for Dr. M. I had to end at page 7 when it came time to close up. I remember reading something looking for something, but I can't remember what. Oh... now I know what. This. Well yesterday's blog actually. :)

Well I closed up on time, and then left to try and catch a bus. A few students were leaving by the time I got up to the street. I expected all of them to go by my like normal, but someone actually stopped and gave me a lift. I was a spouse who sometimes worked at the day school. He had a high car, it was big step to get inside. I said thanks and we made small talk. There was another guy in the car, but I had no clue who he was.

He turned off the main road to drop me off and there on the field across from my house they were setting up tents for the event to follow. Great. Once again I had to look out for that first step as I got out of the car. I said thank you again, and I walked home.

Got home to fries in the oven, and Nika telling me that I'm late. My sister was taking her to the movies to see "A Shark's Tale". They needed me to be there so I could "look after" Veary. I don't know how to spell that's boy name. You can't really look after him, just clean him up after he's already gotten himself into something, or just repeat the same thing a bunch of times, because he isn't hearing a thing that you are telling him. It just flows through from one ear to the other.

Well since I didn't get home at 7:15 they had to wait until the 9:30 showing. I don't remember when the racket that they call music started, but I know when it ended. 3am. 3AM! I have to rip out most of the windows in house and put in better, new ones, and maybe some shutters too.

3am was also when I was able to fall asleep.

The End.... of that day.

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