My head isn't as full with holes as I thought it was.
I found out how to make the arrows in photo shop, just not photo shop 5. It seems that the line button is missing.
Other than that, I looked up price tags and makes and models for printers and scanners for the media center.
That is what I did for most of the day. I helped one teacher. He got locked out of his office, so we had to call in someone to let him in. I had a look at a computer that looks like the hard drive died. And I had tell a student that she can't e-mail a 19 meg file. Oh, and the printer jammed like 3 times. That's it.
Oh, not. I did do one more thing to keep myself occupied. I copied some cds to the hard drive. I really wanted to copy some more stuff from AM, but she didn't show, I copied stuff from cd's that student forgot in the LRC.
Now I'm home and Nika is wide awake and my sister is asleep.
Tomorrow I have a planed day. I have to go by my uncle at noon to show him how to use his computer. And here I thought he took classes. Then I have to go by the nurse at 2pm. I'll spending like 2 hours there before I head to work at 4. My midnight shift now beings.
Monday I have something of a plan also. They are hyping something for internet access at the telephone company. It looks too odd, so we are going to see what it really is. And we might be able to make it to the factory pier if we leave early enough.
See ya.
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