December 05, 2004

That Wasn't So Bad.


(that wasn't a typo)

Well I'm at work almost 20 mins early, and I'm drinking golden apple juice/drink. I just came from the nurse's house. They are very into making their own bread, making stuff from all the things they grow in their very big back yard, including golden apples.

Well, she actually cleaned up the computer really well on her own, but it was still very painful to use since she had only 96 megs of ram to run WinXP. I may have helped with the install/reinstall of her integrated sound card, and that is about it. We talked about a few things, and I ended up spending only an hour there.

I was at my uncle's before that. He came and got me at 1:30, and I spent and hour at his place. I helped him install a printer he got. I can't really call it new, but it's new to him. Then I installed Irfanview for him. Showed him to use it, had him show me, then showed him how to use a card/print software that came with the printer. I didn't show him everything about it, that would have taken too much time. Well he's now ready to start using his computer again. He said that since his classes he took like a year ago, he hasn't touched the computer since. Now that he is, he just wanted me to help him remember. More or less. We had to plug back up his speakers. He didn't know how they got unplugged. Showed him how to change his wallpaper, how to load paper into the new printer, and I left it disk scanning. It hadn't been disk scanned in 336 days. That is what the computer told me.

Monday or so I'll go back over and take off the anti-virus programs that are on his system and put on AVG. I stopped one of them, and it crashed the system. So I think an uninstall is in order. And he doesn't really need them that badly since he isn't connected to the net. At least not yet. But I should get it into non-crashing mode before then.

Well I'm at work, and it's now 4:03pm. My shift has started. Not that, that really changes what I have to do. I'm going to go to the back in the FDC, and see if I get this arrow thing to work on the photo shop 5. I should, but I don't see how right now. Then around 7 I'm off to eat my noodles with chopsticks, then I'll come back and look for wallpaper for my club while I cover the front desk, then maybe look for more equipment and prices for the new media center. Around 11pm I may be even able to play a game or two.

See ya.

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