I got to work, and got right to work.
And I worked all the way thought until closing time.
I built webpages, I cut a dozen movie clips, I walked up to the new teacher's offices and did three office calls. I covered the front desk for most of the night. I had to re-open a class room for a review session because the set room had be taken over by some exam testers. I was starving for most of the night, and now I've been yawning every 3 mins for the last hour or more. I'm blaming it on not eating for the day other than some biscuits that I grabbed on my way out the house.
Jhodie didn't cook today, but she cooked on Monday and Tuesday. Today I had left overs. Nika had a party at school so she wasn't eating, and the others had something else. Don't know what Jhodie. Let me ask. She had sardine sandwiches. Yummy. :(
Well, Nika had a good day until it was close to her bed time. Pearl's boyfriend got Verey a helicopter that rolled on wheels and made noise and played a song. He's scared of it, so Nika got it. She likes it. Then she fell and hit her teeth. Then she cried herself to sleep.
I haven't ditched blogging for the last two days. Monday the server crashed on me again, but I was able to save what I had written so far. Then yesterday I was just tired from my long walk, so I wrote as much as I could and saved a draft. I hope to have them up tomorrow. I don't have to be in to work until 4pm tomorrow. Which also gives me time to wash my hair.
Well good night. I'm off to spell check.
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