November 22, 2004

Boring Sunday.

So boring, I can't even start to write something.

I got to work like 10 past the hour. The new girl in the Library, and her ride picked me up to give me a ride to work.

The only thing I did at work that was work, was fix something on the announcement page. That's it. I uninstalled some programs that I no longer used, I manually typed all the names of the computers on the floor and in the rooms into my restarting program because they weren't showing up the other way.

I did a small blog. I fixed and reinstalled trillian on two computers. Talked to three friends. Played bejeweled 2. Played some music. Refilled the paper trays of one of the printers. Oh, I also checked on that room that had on some equipment when I got in. Ended up bumping into the assistant dean and a visiting teacher and helped in showing him how the stuff was set up in the class rooms.

The was one odd thing, Brain gave me a watch that he found in a sand pit or something on campus when he was walking his surgery dog. He said that it was buried. It had parts that looked like it was eroded, and there was water in the face, and it wasn't ticking anymore. He thinks that it could have been there for years. But he wanted to turn it in. I did a bit of other little things to keep me from walking the floor out of the need to do something.

Oh, there was my shot at trying to take a small video of me for a new found "friend". The way that the light was coming off my face, made me not have my face on film. So I more or less just showed off my big chest and new shirt. :)

Than at 10 I closed up and come home. I was half way up the hill when the guard who was going home, stopped a bus for me, and I had to run up the rest of the way. I don't know if my bra was worth the fabric it was made out at that time. Well, I stayed in. So maybe it was. I wasn't prepared for a run, never mind up hill. My heart was find, it was my breathing that I had to get under control.

Got home, got undressed, and got dinner. Oh, I put some clothes back on before I ate. I was so hungry. Didn't eat my soup at work and just drank water the whole time.

When I was finished eating. I just washed the dishes without waiting for my sister to say anything. She had enough to say about Pearl. She found some missing things in her room. Tomorrow, I know what she will be telling her, if she goes thought with it.

Well it's late..and I want to sleep. I may install Trillan before I go to bed.


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