November 26, 2004

Ok, This Is Going To Be Shot.

Got to work at 11:15, but I tried to get lunch with $20. Then stopped to get an ID holder since we have to now wear them to get on campus.

By the time I walked into the department it was half past. I didn't get to sit down to eat anything when I was called upstairs to help with something. Turns out they didn't really need my help at all, but I was stuck there for half an hour. Then I talked to the dean. A man that has not said one word to me since he was hired last semester.

When that was done, I went to help the new guy in another building. I was there for another 30 mins. Then I had to go talk to a teacher who was upset and sick. She tried not to take it out of me, some some slipped out. I went to ask her for some tapes that the students said that we had before, but we didn't now.

Got down stairs and ate, looked a the tapes I got, to realized that I already had them. The students were just giving me the wrong name. Talked to Ron about 5 or so things. Got my music back before he left at 4pm. Posted an announcement, made a new page to hold the upcoming pictures from the construction of the dorms. Upgraded my photo album maker. Fresh View. Got the pics of the ground breaking and made the first gallery. Had to resize, lighten the colour of the pics. Then went looking for an the right button for the list of galleries.

AM showed up. I got to rip songs from another Rusted Roots cd. She got to finish copy the songs she wanted from my songs for the third cd. We talked, I closed up almost on time. Once again no one remembered that we close at 7pm. Well a few remembered. Tried to flag down three buses, but only the third one stopped for me. Got home, changed, helped with dinner, and realized that there weren't any kids in the house. They were out for a ride with my uncle.

Found out that Ken is still on Jeopardy, and they pushed my show, Star Trek back by like 2 hours. So now it's after midnight and I'm writing up my blog. I could have done it before Star Trek since it was pushed so far back, but I turned on my IM to tell someone that I was going to meet on line in an hour or so that my show had changed times, but he was on line along with two other friends, so I just chatted.

Now I'm going to spell check this, re-read it for grammar, then post, then put up what is left of dinner and head for my bed.


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