I almost forgot to do a blog for yesterday. I would have done it last night if I wasn't so caught up in getting that picture posted, and having so many problems. I have to go learn some basic html code again.
Anyway. Yesterday. It went better than I hoped. After all the talking to, and almost getting fired, which may have just been a scare tactic, I got a good review for the year. Ofcourse he included that I needed to learn more about how networks got impacted by certain actions. But over all, he was happy with what I had done for the whole year, like I said earlier, and he is going ahead with his plans for me. I'm set to get certified in two MS products, and I'm going to help a lot with the putting together of what will soon be my domain of a media center. Oh, and I will be teaching computer classes. I know a few people have been waiting years to see me teach a class. I have to learn every which way the microscope that we have hooked up to the computer can be used. I know about the slide scanner, the flatbed scanner, the cd burner and software, I may have to brush up a bit on how to use Photoshop a bit.
I worked again on those pictures that my boss gave me to turn into a slide show. It gave me heck to get some pics off of it on the computer that I normally use, but I tried out here, and it worked just fine. I'm starting to wonder about that computer. Anyway, I had to resized them down and I saved them in a folder to go over so I can lighten or darken, or rotate them.
There weren't much students here after 5, which let spend some time with Dr.G, showing him how to use the 2x2 scanner, rip some songs off of one cd and put them on another cd, and before that, I as up in his office trying to trouble shoot his printer. *which reminds me that I as suppose to go up to his off and have a look at it again today.*
Then someone called down from the clinic saying that they didn't know how to turn off the TVs. *raised eyebrow*.. don't know how to turn off the TVs??? How is that possible. So I walked up three tears of steps and hills to get a remote and turn off 5 TVs. I then made my way back down to the LRC. Worked some more on the slides until I got a call from one of guards saying that the monitors were on in two classrooms. Great, he didn't turn off any of the equipment, and didn't tell me or I could have gotten that done sooner. So I waited until 8:15 then went and closed up all the classrooms.
I got back at 9, then I just worked on the webspace thing, and uploading pics that just seemed to disappear after I uploaded them. I think that I'm going to ditch that one and get another one. It's not working at all.
Dinner was an-assemble-yourself occasion. Flat bread, stewed turkey, with some squash, and some cranberry bread that my sister felt like making. It's like banana bread. It's more like cranberry cake for how heavy it is. It was a good dinner. Wish there was a bit more.. but I think that was the last of any meat we had left in the fridge. Who knows what I'll find tonight when I get home.
I got online really late, and I half intended to write my blog but I had to fix the first one with the pic. First I changed from the free place to geocities. But I was low on space there, so I went to my other geocities account and posted the picture there with a thumbnail so I wouldn't have a big pic taking over the page and pushing everything every which way, the way it was doing it earlier.
I did get to see most of the New CSI: Las Vegas tonight. That only good thing that Daylight Savings has given me. Normally by the time I get home I've missed the whole thing. Daylight Savings may have given me Las Vegas, but it took CSI: NY from me. I also got to see most of the first Matrix movie, which reminded me that they are having a back to back to back thing with all three of them this Saturday. We haven't seen the third one yet. It's not worth spending $10 to go to the only movie house in town to see a fussy film, and freeze from their AC. So we wait until it comes out on tv.
I crawled into bed around 2:15 or so, I had to go to sleep. Today was early shift for me. 11am.
That's it. :)
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