November 01, 2004

Cold and Wet and the shakes are Coming Back.

I didn't get to do my walk today. It rained all day, but I made it to the bank anyway since we had to pay the cable bill and my sister wanted to talk to the bank about some money she saw missing from my account.

I work, and when I work she takes care of most of everything else. She shops, she cleans, then asks for my help, she cooks, and when she wants to get away, she fishes. Months have gone by and I have not been near the bank to get any money. She gives me my bus fair. So she would be the only one to know what is going on with my bank account. So I was just there so they knew that I knew she was there asking stuff about my account. Odd. Even when I was there, she (the teller) still won't tell my sister some things and wrote it down on a piece of paper to me to see.

We bumped in our uncle today after we got some money from the ATM to pay the cable bill and to get my bus fare for two weeks. It's more like my allowance. Anything I buy for myself for the next two weeks comes out of that. At the start of the month we pay the cable. Which is cable tv and cable internet. That comes to $240. At the middle of the month, we pay lights, water and phone. Combined that comes to about the same $240. Maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less, all depends on how much lights we used or how much phone calls my sister make. I almost never use the phone. Out of both pay checks I have to also give payments for a washer, a living room set since the one chair we had was finally falling apart, and a sewing machine. Oh, and there is food to buy for currently 5 people living here for 2 weeks. Each paycheck that comes up to maybe $400.

Next shopping day I'll type up my receipt for you to see where it all goes.

Ok, back to today. Like I said, we bumped into my uncle in town just after we took money off the bank to pay the cable bill. So he gave us a lift up the office since it was raining so much. There weren't that many people in there because of the rain, so we weren't there long. Then we tried to get an umbrella for Jhodie. For the whole time I was walking around with the umbrella, she walked in the rain. She doesn't get sick like I do from walking in the rain, and the umbrella wasn't big enough for both of us to stand under it. Also, she walks faster then me. She needed her own, but she wouldn't buy any. We tried three places to get an umbrella. One place didn't have any, and the other two places had umbrella's that were under her standards. At that time, my umbrella started to leak. So we took some of the umbrella money and went to see what was on sale at Ram's. We got a cheese, a discounted bag of cereal and some potato sticks for Nika.

We got back at 12:30pm and ofcourse it was still raining. It was raining from like 5 that morning until 2pm. Sometime around 3 I started to have the shakes again from thinking about going back to work on Wednesday. I then went down for a nap for a while hoping that would help calm me, but I still woke up feeling off. I haven't eaten much for the past few days, and I almost didn't eat tonight, but after a while I kinda made myself eat something. Jhodie made mash potato with my lactose milk with seared chicken that finished cooking in red gravy.

We cleaned up the kitchen, and the living room, and Jhodie gave Nika and the boy for our cousin a bath and set them off to bed.

I have a slight headache from worrying, and I got a slight cold from walking in the rain today. I need to buy sneakers, I just have flip flops to walk in. Sneakers cost so much here. The next time I get $100 I'll go get some sneakers so I don't have to walk around in flip flops in the rain.

At least my house is starting to look nice. I have a real living room now. Oh ya, the paint. I still think that I should get the shoes first, then worry about getting paint for the house. The builders didn't get around to even priming the walls before they said they were done. Heck, they didn't even give me a kitchen sink.

Well, I'm trying to calm down again, I keep seeing my boss waiting for me to show up to tell me that he changed his mind and I no longer work there. I have to call Collin at work and ask him to fix something that I over looked again. This mistake I think I had someone else look at for me and nether one of us caught it before until now. Oh well.

I'm going to go rub down with some Vicks then maybe stay up for "How Clean Is Your House" which now comes on at midnight, and CSI just before that.

Well, good night.

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